
Privacy Policy

1. What information do we collect?

We collect all the information from you that you update at the time of register on our site or fill out in a form. When registering on our site, as appropriate, you may be asked to enter your name, company name, e-mail address, mailing address or phone number (“Personal Information”). Please note that you have the option to visit our site anonymously. We request you not to share any Personal Sensitive Information (e.g., Social Security numbers) through this website and if you share you do so at your own risk.



2. How do we use your Personal Information?

We may collect and use your contact Information, to share an update about your query over email, WhatsApp, Call, SMS of other products or services available with us. We may also contact you to participate in surveys to conduct research about your opinion of current services or of potential new services that may be offered. We will not contact you for marketing purposes by posts, email, phone or text messages unless you have given your prior consent. Should you choose to opt-out of the use of your Personal Information for marketing purposes, please use the unsubscribe link in any email message or email us at. Please note that even if you opt-out of email marketing messages from us, if you are our current customer, we may need to send you transactional email messages and you cannot opt-out from these messages.


3. How do you ask for / update your Personal Information?

The accuracy of your Personal Information is important to us. We are working on ways to make it easier for you to review and correct the Personal Information that we hold about you. In the meantime, if you change any of your Personal Information, please email us at [email protected], you have the right to ask for the detail of the Personal Information we hold about you. Please email us at [email protected]


4. How do we protect your Personal Information?

We implement a variety of security measures to maintain the safety of your Personal Information. We offer the use of a secure server. All of your Personal Information is transmitted via Secure Socket Layer (SSL) technology and then encrypted into our Database to be only accessed by those authorized officials with special access rights to our systems, and who are required keep the Personal Information confidential. Please note that while we strive to protect your Personal Information, we cannot guarantee the security of any information you transmit to us, and you do so at your own risk. Where we have given (or where you have chosen) a password which enables you to access certain parts of our websites, you are responsible for keeping password confidential. We request you not to share your password with anyone. 


5. Do we disclose any of your Personal Information to outside parties?

We do not sell, rent, or lease your Personal Information to third parties. We may, from time to time, contact you on behalf of external business partners about a particular offering that may be of interest to you. We may also share your Personal Information with trusted partners (service providers, sub-contractors and other associated organizations) for the purpose of completing the tasks and providing services to you on our behalf. (for ex., sending postal mails or emails, provide customer support). All such third parties are prohibited from using your Personal Information except to provide these services, and they are obligated to maintain same level of protection that we offer to you.


We may disclose your Personal Information when we are required to or we believe it is appropriate to comply with the law (e.g., due to a lawful subpoena, warrant or court order); to enforce or apply this Privacy Policy or our other policies or agreements; to protect our rights, property or safety; to protect from fraudulent, abusive, or unlawful use of our website or our services; to improve our products or services, or if we believe that an emergency involving the danger of death or serious physical injury to any person requires or justifies disclosure of Personal Information.

Cookies and Other Tracking Technologies


We use cookies, scripts and tags to track your preferences and profile information. We have engaged one or more third party tools to track and count the number of unique visitors to a web page and to develop other statistics about the operations of our products. We do not control such third parties or their privacy practices. If you do not want third parties to be able to use such methods, you should modify your browser settings to limit such access. Cookies may remain on your computers after you leave the website. While the majority are set to expire within 1-24 months of your last visit to the website that set the cookie, cookies that remember opt-out preferences may not expire because of their nature. Most web browsers automatically accept cookies but provide controls that allow you to block or delete them. Once you have set your cookie preferences, we will follow the specific choices you made there. Please remember that if you delete your cookies, or use a different browser or computer, you will need to set your cookies preferences again.


Like many websites, we use cookies for a variety of purposes, including to improve your visits to this website. Cookies are pieces of information that are transferred to the hard drive on your computer for record-keeping purposes. These cookies allow websites to remember important information that will make your use of the website more convenient. For example, we use cookies so that we remember you and your preferences when you return to our website. You can use the options in your web browser to notify you when you receive a cookie or otherwise change your cookie preferences. Click on the “Help” section of your browser to learn how to make those changes. In addition to adjusting the appropriate settings in your browser, many advertising companies that may collect anonymous information for advertising targeting purposes are also members of the Digital Advertising Alliance or the Network Advertising Initiative, both of which provide an opt-out from advertisement targeting by their members. You can find more information on these opt-out capabilities on www.aboutads.info and www.networkadvertising.org.


6. Web Analytics:

Our website uses third party cookies from Google Analytics and Google Advertising Features which enable Google Analytics to collect data about the traffic on this website via Google advertising cookies and identifiers, in addition to data collected through a standard Google Analytics implementation. You can opt-out of Google Analytics for Display Advertising and customize Google Display Network ads using the Ads Settings Feature on Google. By clicking Ads Settings, you will be taken out of this website and to Google where you can control the information Google uses to show you ads. In addition, you can use Google Analytics Opt-Out Browser Add-on to disable tracking by Google Analytics. You can also find more information about Google Analytics here.


We will not identify users or facilitate the merging of Personal Information with non-personal information collected through any Google advertising product or feature unless we have your prior affirmative (i.e., opt-in) consent to that identification and merger and are using a Google Analytics feature that expressly supports such identification or merger. We will not disaggregate data that Google reports in aggregate. Please note that at this time we do not honour “do not track” signals or other mechanisms that may allow you to opt out of the collection of information across networks of websites and online services as there is no standard for how online services should respond to such signals. As standards develop, we may develop policies for responding to do-not-track signals that we will describe in this Privacy Policy. However, our sites do not track any Personal Information on our sites unless you intentionally provide it to us.



7. Links to Other Web Sites

This Privacy Policy applies to this website only, which may include links to other websites. If you submit personal or other information to any of those sites, your information is subject to the privacy policies on those sites.


8. Terms and Conditions

Please also visit our Terms and Conditions section establishing the use, disclaimers, and limitations of liability governing the use of our website. By using our site, you consent to this Privacy Policy.


9. Changes to our Privacy Policy

We may change the provisions of this Privacy Policy at any time, and will always post the most up-to-date version on our website.


10. Contacting Us

We welcome your comments regarding this Privacy Policy. You can contact us in the given Email Ids

Email ID: [email protected] | [email protected]